The Geisinger School of Medical Laboratory Science is a 48-week program. You’ll spend time each week in clinical and classroom instruction. Classroom instruction will include lectures, discussion and examinations. You’ll work in nearly all content areas throughout the year. During the first term, you’ll focus on building knowledge, while in the second term you’ll focus on applying skills to your knowledge base and exploring the intersection of pathophysiology to clinical diagnostics.
Formal courses in the curriculum are described below. All courses include didactics and hands-on skill components. You’ll be assessed on meeting hands-on, entry-level skill competence during clinical rotations, where you’ll demonstrate the same skills you’ll use every day as a medical laboratory scientist. At times, you may be reporting patient, quality or other results under the supervision of qualified personnel. You will not replace paid staff during clinical education experiences. For more information or questions about the course schedule or curriculum, contact