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Making better health easy

What is MyCode?

The MyCode DNA sequencing program analyzes the DNA of consenting participants to help make healthcare better — for you, your family, our community and people around the world.

DNA samples from participants allow us to study a broad range of health topics and diseases. We can look for genes known to increase the risk of developing certain health conditions. This helps our healthcare providers diagnose medical conditions earlier — before symptoms even appear — and find new treatments or medications to manage these diseases.

More than 340,000 people have already signed up. Our goal is to give every Geisinger patient the opportunity to participate.

Ready to join MyCode?

That's great! Fill out the form below to request a consent form. For more information call 844-798-1687.

How to Join MyCode

Interested in joining MyCode? Here’s how to get started:

Step 1: Consent

Fill out our online consent form, or, if you have a MyGeisinger account, you can log in and complete your consent form.

You can also consent in person. The MyCode team can be found in Geisinger clinics and hospitals. Call the team at 844-798-1687 or email the MyCode team to find a consenter near you.

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Step 2: Donate your sample 

Having lab work done at Geisinger? Ask the staff to draw an additional sample for MyCode. You may also request a free at-home saliva sample kit.

Find a Geisinger lab

Request a saliva sample kit

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Step 3: After you’ve donated

Your data is sent to the lab
Your sample will be labeled with a unique study identification (ID) number, instead of your name or date of birth, and stored for research at our lab. Your sample may also be sent to our partners at Regeneron Genetics Center for sequencing all or part of your genome.

We’re committed to keeping your data safe and secure. Information that links you to your ID number will be kept in a secure file that's protected by Geisinger.

Your DNA is analyzed for genetic changes
In a small percentage of cases — about 2 to 3 percent — we discover that a participant has a genetic change that puts them at a higher risk for one of the known genetic conditions for which we screen.

These conditions can be treated or managed and include certain cancers, like breast or ovarian cancer, and heart conditions, like familial hypercholesterolemia.

If a genetic change is detected in your sample, the information will be confirmed in a certified laboratory before the MyCode Genomic Screening and Counseling program informs you and your healthcare provider and the information is placed in your medical record. At that time, you’ll have the opportunity to speak with a member of our genetics team and/or your healthcare provider about your result.


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Ruth Trinidad tested positive for the BRCA2 gene mutation and partnered with Geisinger to manage her care.

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