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Program partners

The CFPA is made possible with help from our program partners. Learn more about their missions and how to contact them.

Pennsylvania Nursing Workforce Coalition/CFPA Advisory Board

The Pennsylvania Nursing Workforce Coalition (PA-NWC) is a program of the National Nurse-Led Care Consortium, a subsidiary of Public Health Management Corporation. The PA-NWC was established in 2011 to promote a healthy Pennsylvania through improvements in the quality, accessibility and safety of nursing.

As part of the national Campaign for Action, established by the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, AARP and the AARP Foundation, the PA-NWC works to implement the recommendations of the 2010 Institute of Medicine (now National Academy of Medicine) Future of Nursing: Leading Change, Advancing Health and The Future of Nursing 2020-2030: Charting a Path to Achieve Health Equity report. The PA-NWC fosters cross-sector collaborations to build a culture of health through nursing leadership. Its partners include leaders from healthcare institutions, academia, foundations and nursing organizations including specialty and minority nursing organizations.

The PA-NWC serves as a strong partner of Geisinger with expertise in building strategic partnerships, professional workforce development and implementing communications campaigns. The PA-NWC leveraged their network to build the membership of the CFPA Advisory Board. Through Geisinger’s partnership with the PA-NWC, the CFPA Advisory Board will disseminate the CFPA curriculum, using established relationships to regional nursing programs and healthcare organizations across Delaware, Maryland, Pennsylvania, Virginia, West Virginia and Washington, D.C. They will also bring the grants’ financial incentive funding to medical institutions allowing for increased usage of the program in HHS Region 3 during the grant period.

Learn more about the PA-NWC.

National Nurse-Led Care Consortium

The National Nurse-Led Care Consortium (NNCC), a subsidiary of Public Health Management Corporation, is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit member-supported organization working to strengthen community health through quality, compassionate and collaborative nurse-led care. The organization’s mission is to advance nurse-led healthcare through policy, consultation and programs to reduce health disparities and meet people’s primary care and wellness needs.

Learn more about NNCC.

CFPA project team at PA-NWC/NNCC

To get in touch with our program partners, reach out to the following contacts:

Jennifer Gimbel, MBA
Pennsylvania Nursing Workforce Coalition Director

Thea Phim, MPA
Public Health Project Manager

Jilian Bohn, MPH
Public Health Project Coordinator

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