Consumer information
Notice of availability of institutional and financial aid information
This page has been created to fulfill Geisinger College of Health Sciences’ compliance with the disclosure requirements under Title IV. Title IV requires institutions participating in financial aid programs to disclose specified information to all prospective students. Below is a list of the disclosure requirements and links to pages that contain the actual information or where to obtain the information.
General institutional information
GCHS Fact Sheet (produced as of Sept. 30)
Financial assistance information
Student financial aid information
- Requirements for withdrawal and return of Title IV, HEA Federal financial aid
- Notice of Federal student financial aid penalties for drug law violations
- Required disclosures for educational loans
- Disclosure for Direct Subsidized Loans and Unsubsidized Loans
- Disclosure Statement for the William D. Ford Federal Loan Program
- Entrance counseling
- Exit counseling
Contact for financial aid information
Sue McNamara
Director of Financial Aid
Tuition, fees and refund information
Tuition and fees
Refund of student charges
Contact for tuition and fees and refunds information
Courtney Lomax
Director of Finance Partnering
Academic programs
Changes in enrollment
- GCSOM Policy on Leave of Absence (MD)
- GCSOM Policy on Leave of Absence – Class of 2024 (MD)
- GCSOM Policy on Leave of Absence - 3+3 Accelerated Program and Abigail Geisinger Scholars (MD)
- Geisinger School of Graduate Education Policy on Leave of Absence (MBS)
- Geisinger School of Nursing Policy on Leave of Absence (ADN)
Privacy of student records
Contact for FERPA and student record privacy information
Edward Lahart, MS
Disability services for students
- GCHS Policy for Disability Services
- Accessibility Handbook
- GCHS Policy for Service Animals and/or Assistance Animals
Contact for facilities and services available to students with disabilities information
Sarah Triano, MS, NCC, LPC
Director, Center for Learning Excellence
Transfer of credit policies and articulation agreements
Transfer credits earned at other institutions are currently only accepted in the Geisinger School of Nursing
Contact for transfer of credit information
Edward Lahart, MS
Institutional and program accreditation approval or licensure
Institutional approvals
Copyright infringement policies and sanctions
Including computer use and file sharing
Contact for copyright infringement policies and sanctions information:
Jim Franceschelli
Associate Dean for Educational Technology
Employee non-discrimination and equal employment policy
Contact for equal opportunity/non-discriminatory policy information
Robert Konopke
Human Resources Business Partner
Student outcomes information
Graduation & retention rates
Geisinger Commonwealth School of Medicine’s retention rates are as follows:
- 4-year: 88%
- 5-year: 97%
- 6-year: 98%
Geisinger School of Graduate Education’s retention rate is 70%.
Geisinger School of Nursing’s retention rate is 97%.
USMLE scores
Geisinger Commonwealth first-time test takers:
- 2023 Step 1 pass rate: 98%
- 2023-2024 Step 2 CK pass rate: 97%
- 2023-2024 Step 2 CK average rate: 246
Health and safety
Drug and Alcohol Prevention Disclosure
The annual security report is prepared on a yearly basis to provide statistics on criminal activity and information on safety-related services offered by the College in compliance with the Jeanne Clery Act. The report contains information and crime statistics for the three previous calendar years involving crimes that: occurred on campus; in certain non-campus buildings/property owned or controlled by Geisinger; and on public property within, or immediately adjacent and accessible to campus locations. The report also contains certain policy statements and information regarding campus security and personal safety topics such as crime prevention, fire safety, emergency response procedures, crime reporting policies, disciplinary procedures and other related information.
Printed copies of the annual security report are available upon request and may also be obtained by visiting the Medical Sciences Building, 525 Pine St., Scranton, PA 18509. For questions regarding the annual security report or its contents, contact the Public Safety Office at 570-558-2300.
- Geisinger College of Health Sciences Annual Security Report: 2019-2020, 2020-2021, 2021-2022, 2022-2023, 2023-2024
- Geisinger College of Health Sciences Public Safety Log
- U.S. Department of Education information
Contact for Campus Security information
John Gorczyk
Director of Facilities and Public Safety
Voter registration
The Federal Election Commission provides guidance regarding voter registration in each state.
Conflicts of interest policies
GCHS Policy on Conflicts of Interest and Interactions with Industry
Department of Legal Services
Patti Williams, 570-271-6781 or
Lori Gramley, 570-271-6781 or
Geisinger Policy on Conflicts of Interest in Research
(Note: this policy is available upon request, or by logging into Geisinger’s PolicyManager)
Sonia Lobo, PhD, RYT
Associate Dean for Research & Scholarship
Code of Conduct for Institutional Financial Aid Professionals
Sue McNamara
Director of Financial Aid
State authorization for distance education
State Authorization and Reciprocity Agreement (SARA)
Geisinger Commonwealth School of Medicine has been approved by the Pennsylvania Department of Education to participate in the National Council for State Authorization Reciprocity Agreements, commonly known as SARA, which provides a voluntary, regional approach to state oversight of postsecondary distance education. As a SARA member institution, GCSOM is authorized to provide distance education to students in other SARA member states. Currently, 49 states (with the exception of California), the District of Columbia, Puerto Rico and the U.S. Virgin Islands are members of SARA.
California: Effective July 1, 2017 pursuant to California Education Code § 94801.5(b): Non-public higher education institutions that are degree granting, non-profit and accredited are exempt and need not register with the California Bureau for Private Postsecondary Education.
Doctor of medicine program
Geisinger Commonwealth School of Medicine’s doctor of medicine program is accredited by the Liaison Committee on Medical Education (LCME) and thereby meets the requirements for licensure in all fifty states and the District of Columbia.
Students are encouraged to follow the institution’s compliant process. If a resolution is not found, students may also contact the following:
Gina Wetten
Pennsylvania Department of Education
Division of Higher and Career Education
333 Market St.
Harrisburg, PA 17126
Middle States Commission on Higher Education
3624 Market St., 2nd fl. West
Philadelphia, PA 19104
Student location
A student’s location is determined at the time of initial enrollment based on the address provided by the student to Geisinger College of Health Sciences. This address will remain the student location of record until the student provides Geisinger College of Health Sciences with a change of address.
Title IX
Contact for Title IX
Andrea Mulrine
Title IX Coordinator