Bursar's office
The bursar’s office at Geisinger College of Health Sciences is responsible for billing and collection of all student charges, as well as the receipt of any cash for the school. The bursar’s office coordinates with the financial aid office to apply financial aid to student accounts. Contact the bursar’s office for all policies related to payment of tuition, refunds and student responsibility. You can make an appointment for an individual meetings by calling 570-504-9075.
Billing and collection
You’ll receive an invoice approximately 30 days before the start of class. Full payment of all charges, less applicable financial aid, is due by the first day of class. The first day of class is the date published in the College’s Academic Calendar. Invoices and account history are available to students through the Empower student portal.
- Geisinger College accepts credit card payments via Empower Web.
- Make payments via cash or check either in person at the bursar’s office or by mailing to the bursar at 525 Pine St., Scranton, PA 18509.
- Bank wires and electronic checks are also accepted. Contact bursar@geisinger.edu for further information.
Geisinger College of Health Sciences reserves the right to cancel your registration if you have an unmet financial obligation for any reason. Geisinger College also reserves the right to withhold a diploma, transcript, letter of recommendation or other official documents if you have an outstanding financial obligation to the school
Student refunds - credit balances
If a credit balance occurs on your account after billed tuition and fees are fully paid, the resulting credit balance will be refunded to you so the funds may be used for other cost of attendance expenses.
Refunds of credit balances are made within 14 days after a credit balance occurs. You’ll be responsible for the immediate payment of any charges added to your student account after a refund occurs. Refunds related to withdrawal, dismissal or leaves of absence are addressed under the Geisinger College Refund/Cancellation Policy. Student refunds are processed 14 days from financial aid being posted to your account.
Direct deposit is available for faster receipt of funds. Contact bursar@geisinger.edu for a direct deposit form and further information.

Sarah Ellis

Assistant Bursar
Refund/cancellation policy
This refund/cancellation policy applies if you choose to withdraw, take a leave of absence, add/drop a course or if you are dismissed for any reason.
To be eligible for any cancellation or refund, you must submit your notice of withdrawal in writing or orally to:
- The associate dean for student affairs (for MD students)
- The assistant dean for graduate academic affairs (for graduate students)
- The director of the nursing school (for nursing students)
Written requests are preferred. If you make a verbal request, you or a Geisinger College staff member will need to convert the request to writing. Then you will review and sign it. The date of the receipt of this notice determines the official date of withdrawal. We’ll review exceptions to this refund/cancellation policy on a case-by-case basis. The associate dean for student affairs (or assistant dean of students) will submit a request for MD students, the assistant dean for graduate academic affairs will submit a request for graduate students, and the director of the nursing school will submit a request for nursing students. All requests will be sent to the VP for finance & administration/CFO. After collaboration with the vice provost for admissions, enrollment management and financial aid (if needed), they will make a final decision.
Refunds will be made as follows for all MD students:
Date of withdrawal and cancellation percentage*
- On or before the first day of classes – 100%
- Through the 10th class day – 75%
- Through the 20th class day – 50%
- Through the 30th class day – 25%
- Beyond the 30th class day – 0%
Refunds will be made according to the following for all graduate and undergraduate students:
Full fall, spring and summer semesters:
- Before the first day of classes through the 5th class day of the semester – 100%
- Through the 10th class day of the semester – 75%
- Through the 15th class day of the semester – 50%
- Through the 20th class day of the semester – 25%
- Beyond the 20th class day of the semester – 0%
- Before the first day of classes through the 5th class day of the quarter – 100%
- Through the 10th class day of the quarter – 75%
- Through the 15th class day of the quarter – 50%
- Beyond the 15th class day of the quarter – 0%
*Refund/cancellation percentage refers to the percentage of your tuition charges that will be canceled upon withdrawal.
Ordinarily, fees are non‐refundable, unless the date of withdrawal/dismissal/leave of absence is within the first five class days of the semester/quarter. Student health insurance may be refundable. Reference the Student Health Services page for additional requirements. The disability insurance fee is refundable for withdrawals that occur before the first day of classes. Any changes to this policy will be reflected on the bursar’s page of the student portal.
If you’re going on a leave of absence (LOA) and want to maintain your technology package, you’ll be charged half of the current technology fee per semester/quarter of leave. You’re financially responsible for any outstanding funds to the institution, and must pay them at the time of the start of your leave. Any outstanding balance is to be paid before you return from LOA.
The first day of classes for each semester/quarter is the date published in the academic calendar.
The death of a student cancels charges for tuition as of the date of death, and the tuition will be adjusted on a pro rata basis.
The Higher Education Amendments of 1998 require that when a recipient of Title IV funding withdraws from an institution during a payment period or period of enrollment in which the recipient began attendance, the institution must determine the amount of Title IV funding that the student earned as of the student's withdrawal date. A refund according to the college policy may be due to the student, but for students who are recipients of federal Title IV funds, the money may, based upon date of withdrawal, be returned to the aid program from which the funds were disbursed. Contact the Geisinger College financial aid office or refer to the policy on Return of Title IV funding listed on the school’s website for more information or questions about this policy. Refunds will be processed and sent to the student within 14 days after notification to Geisinger College of withdrawal.
You can find all refund policies, return of Title IV funds policy and procedures to officially withdraw from the college on the Geisinger College of Health Sciences website and portal.
Federal regulations concerning privacy and confidentiality:
Due to strict federal regulations concerning privacy and confidentiality, the bursar's office cannot discuss or release information regarding your account without your written approval. This includes phone calls related to the payment of bills. If you want the bursar's office to discuss your bills with appropriate people (e.g., parents who wish to make payments, spouses), visit the office and complete a FERPA Permission Form giving the bursar's office this permission. This form is also available through the Geisinger College of Health Sciences portal.