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Projects and research

The following information outlines the steps to be taken by visiting nursing students to begin projects or research that are curricular requirements of your degree seeking institution.

Questions about the process for Student Quality Improvement Research Projects at Geisinger? Email

Before the project begins

  1. Students (including employees pursuing a degree) must first request a preceptor.  
    • Undergraduate students – Request a preceptor via the 1:1 Experience Form, which should be submitted by the school. The nursing student clinical coordinators will locate preceptors for you. If you’re attending partner schools, submit your request during open enrollment. Non-partner schools can reach out to for the link to the student information form.
    • Graduate students – Secure your own preceptor as a professional development opportunity. Once secured, contact with your request to work with the preceptor. We’ll provide the link to the student information form when we receive your request. 
  2. All students (including employees for their student role) must be onboarded once preceptors have been identified.
    • Undergraduate students – You’ll be onboarded by your school through the portal. 
    • Graduate students – Email to begin the onboarding process at the same time you reach out about securing a preceptor.  The nursing student coordination team will contact you with further direction.
  3. Completion of GOALS courses is required for QI/research project work, as you will have access to HPI and Geisinger data during your experience.

Steps to take once the experience is approved and you are onboarded

  1. Obtain a managerial letter of support and submit it to the Nursing Research Council (NRC) at

  2. The NRC will assign an NRC number to the project.
    • Undergraduate students – Your proposal may be reviewed by the co-chairs for NRC number assignment.  
    • Graduate students – You’ll present your project to the NRC for approval to obtain the NRC number. Contact Gale Shalongo ( to schedule a presentation.

  3. Once you have your NRC number, you must submit a research determination worksheet (RDW) to the Geisinger IRB for review. They will make the official determination if the project is QI or research.

    The website used for Geisinger IRB submissions is iRIS — you’ll need an iRIS account to submit. Submit a request using [LINK: Request Form from Research website] this link [/LINK] if accessing from an external computer, or this link if accessing from a Geisinger computer.
  4. You will receive a letter after the IRB reviews the RDW. You may start if the project is determined to be a QI project.

    If the project is deemed to be research, you will need to work with a Geisinger employee with a terminal degree to act as PI and submit to the IRB for a research review (exempt, expedited or full). You must complete Geisinger CITI training before submitting the project for IRB review, even if completed for the school, because Geisinger module requirements may differ from the other school.

    For more information on research submissions, visit the Geisinger Research website or contact the NRC.

Steps to take once data is collected and before dissemination outside Geisinger

These steps apply to QI and research projects.
First, obtain a data use agreement (DUA). Permission is required to share or any Geisinger data for non-Geisinger activities. Examples include scholarly papers or posters. De-identified data is the only data that can be considered. 

You can find information on obtaining a DUA and all necessary forms on the research website. 


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