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College of
Health Sciences

two medical students walking through a hospital hallway

Drive to THRIVE 

Transform Health through Research, Inspiration, Value and Education.

Geisinger College of Health Sciences’ strategic plan 2023-2028

Geisinger College of Health Sciences (GCHS) intends to leverage our academic work to make the leap from a healthcare model that emphasizes treating illness in clinics to one that helps everyone sustain wellness, everywhere, in every moment. That’s our Drive to THRIVE. 


Geisinger College of Health Sciences makes better health easier at Geisinger and beyond

  • Through education, research and scholarship that develop healthcare professionals inspired and prepared to improve the health of diverse people and populations and to use Geisinger’s unique assets to transform the way care is delivered.
  • …in an integrated healthcare organization that supports academic excellence, attracts the very best, and ensures the ability to thrive in a sustainable and inclusive culture.
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Geisinger College of Health Sciences Strategic Plan

Our aspirations


  • All programs attract top quality teachers and learners who will thrive at GCHS to advance health and wellbeing in our patients and communities.
  • Education that meets the needs of the system and larger community is integrated effectively across and along the continuum of health professions.
  • Learners are prepared in a scholarly environment to deliver value-based care responsive to patients and communities, in an ever-changing healthcare landscape.
  • Geisinger retains high quality learners to build the workforce serving system and regional needs and develops healthcare professionals as leaders for improved outcomes everywhere.
  • Geisinger is nationally recognized for its innovative approach to education and integration of scholarship.

  • Research at Geisinger leverages the strengths and assets of the health system (e.g., data, genomics, integrated health system, rural setting with unique patient population).
  • GCHS research adds value to system goals and targets our communities’ health needs while promoting health equity.
  • Faculty, clinicians, learners (students and trainees) and other team members are empowered and supported to actively contribute to Geisinger-relevant research.
  • Patients and members benefit from evidence-based research that discovers new approaches to care and uses rigorous methods to evaluate implementation, including clinical trials.
  • Geisinger research and innovation is disseminated broadly, demonstrating excellence and garnering increasing external support.
People and organization

For community

  • The next generation is inspired to pursue careers in healthcare, with clear and successful pathways into health professions available in our local communities.
  • Geisinger College is regionally and nationally relevant based on meaningful outcomes, community engagement and advocacy.

Across Geisinger

  • Academic components are aligned with system goals, adding value to the system mission and enhancing effectiveness of assets in areas of shared concern such as DEI, well-being, professionalism and leadership development.
  • There is broad awareness of Geisinger College and how it adds value in advancing the Geisinger mission.
  • All are encouraged and supported to engage in the academic mission.

Within GCHS

  • Academic components are integrated under GCHS through collaboration and effective teamwork.
  • GCHS employs a nationally recognized scholarly approach to research, learning, teaching, curriculum development and assessment.
  • Talented and diverse learners, staff, and faculty come to Geisinger and our regional partners and stay, developing into tomorrow’s leaders through continuing education and development.
  • Our climate facilitates inclusion, and recognizes contributions from diverse backgrounds and experiences, advancing equity.

Strategic priorities

How will we achieve our vision?


  • Provide a uniquely Geisinger education that prepares leaders of tomorrow across the health professions continuum. 
  • Identify and establish/expand and/or partner with other local institutions to produce programs needed to develop the Geisinger and regional workforce.  
  • Attract and retain the very best trainees to work at Geisinger and in the region.

  • Identify/invest in set of scientific research priorities aligned with Geisinger’s system and community needs as well as research assets.
  • Leverage a learning health system model to optimize impactful research, discovery and innovation. 
  • Turn hypotheses into health by disseminating and implementing research results.
People and organization

  • Increase system-wide awareness of, support, and engagement with academic mission. 
  • Clarify, strengthen and support the faculty role and enhance recognition of faculty contributions.
  • Ensure all GCHS faculty, staff and learners are valued, engaged, supported and resilient.

Digging deeper into our strategic priorities


Provide a uniquely Geisinger education that prepares leaders of tomorrow across the health professions continuum: 

  • Fully integrate Health Systems Science into “Geisinger branded” curricula with directed experiential learning elements. 
  • Expand relevant elements of differentiated Geisinger curriculum across health profession education, training, and professional development, including ensuring a baseline understanding of value-based care for graduates and employees.
  • Complete implementation and dissemination of new medical school curriculum focused on delivering a truly differentiated education (both curriculum content and pedagogy). Ensure appreciation of both pathology and prevention, with particular emphasis on rural population health. Evaluate effectiveness in producing physicians ready to excel at Geisinger and elsewhere.
  • Operationalize data driven education principles to advance Precision Education, especially for residents and fellows, using clinical effectiveness data to inform and drive individual and program level curricula and assessment.

Identify and establish/expand and/or partner with other local institutions to produce programs needed to develop the Geisinger and regional workforce.

  • Create center of excellence for work in Primary Care Education specifically considering rural workforce needs. 
  • Establish GCHS as the principal steward of all learning programs within Geisinger by creating/maintaining institution-wide standards, processes and resources.
  • Start a nursing school that becomes a nationally recognized leader in rapid workforce development and preceptor training.
  • Define workforce needs for our system and our region and determine the best approach for filling additional unmet needs (i.e., in-house vs. via partnership).
  • Establish new graduate programs within Geisinger or with partners to support the research and leadership missions of Geisinger.
  • Advance the West Campus as a model interprofessional educational hub with a unique rural community commitment.

Attract and retain the very best to work at Geisinger and in the region.

  • Bolster the clinical learning environment to achieve enterprise learner conversion objectives in both partnerships and programs.
  • Optimize the Abigail Scholars program to ensure meeting both student expectations and Geisinger needs.
  • Expand pathway programs to boost interest, increase opportunity and optimize successful entry into healthcare professions in local communities.

Identify/invest in set of scientific research priorities aligned with Geisinger’s system and community needs as well as research assets.

  • Align system around research priority areas of Bioethics & Decision Sciences, Genomic Health, Mental Health, Population Health Sciences, and Health System Science, and engage Clinical Institutes and other departments in development of priorities in these areas.
  • Incentivize faculty — in particular, clinician scientists — with dedicated research time to pursue named priorities and enhance recruitment in priority areas.
  • Provide opportunities/mechanisms for faculty, learners and all team members to meet and collaborate across institute boundaries.
  • Align research goals with unique system initiatives such as the Abigail Scholars, developing the next generation of primary care physicians trained to do primary care research.

Leverage a learning health system model to optimize impactful research, discovery and innovation.

  • Fully leverage Geisinger data for research purposes, including making it more accessible and increasing integration with operational and clinical resources.
  • Solve the clinician scientist problem by developing innovative approaches to protect time and provide support.
  • Provide opportunities for interested faculty and staff to engage in research, by offering core services, providing training, and facilitating connections to make research easier to navigate.
  • Broaden learner engagement in major Geisinger research efforts and increase opportunities to match learners’ interests with established research projects/programs for enhanced research experience. 

Turn hypotheses into health by disseminating and implementing research results.

  • Bring research to the bedside and outpatient settings by prioritizing implementation science and investing in infrastructure including that for clinical trials.
  • Align research and innovation activities across Geisinger.
  • Disseminate/promote Geisinger discovery internally and externally, serving as a model at the national level.
People and organization

Increase system-wide awareness of, support for, and engagement with academic mission.

  • Finalize GCHS organizational structure and bylaws and communicate with all in the college to ensure clarity.
  • Develop marketing materials to share academic mission with internal and external audiences, including sharing the GCHS strategic plan with all system employees.
  • Enhance financial resources and optimize their deployment, using a model that leverages operational efficiencies and promotes financial sustainability.
  • Incorporate GCHS metrics of success into the system scorecard and senior leader evaluations.

Clarify, strengthen and support the faculty role and enhance recognition of faculty contributions.

  • Strengthen the faculty role: clarify expectations and benefits and develop promotion pathways supported by transparent evaluation process/criteria.
  • Support clinicians to provide consistent, excellent teaching in the context of their clinical responsibilities (e.g., training, allocated time).
  • Define/implement mechanisms to ensure that the faculty role is valued across the system (e.g., academic home, funded roles, evaluation process, leadership accountability).
  • Continue to expand and promote continuing professional development offerings, regularly evaluate offerings against faculty needs and leverage the Academy of Educators.
  • Create a leading, national reputation for innovation and excellence in health professions education through the Academy of Educators.

Ensure all GCHS faculty, staff and learners are valued, engaged, resilient and supported.

  • Provide high quality continuing education to enhance the knowledge and skills of healthcare professionals and prepare them for an ever-changing healthcare system.
  • Identify career pathways, especially for staff, across GCHS/Geisinger and provide professional development and other supports to enable growth.
  • Realize alignment of the clinical learning environment work in professionalism, DEI, health equity, wellbeing, teaming, quality and safety.
  • Ensure the regional campus faculty and staff are integrated into GCHS processes and initiatives.
  • Continue to diversify college faculty, staff and learners to better serve our communities.
  • Ensure curricula represent diverse perspectives and approaches and advance educational and health equity.
  • Build a professional and resilient community of practice that brings together faculty, staff and learners in an inclusive learning environment (mitigate bias and microaggressions).

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View Geisinger College of Health Sciences’ 2023-2028 strategic plan.

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