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College of
Health Sciences

Geisinger Clinic Northeast Pharmacy Residency Hero Image

Geisinger Clinic Northeast (Scranton, Pa.) Pharmacy Residency

Gain valuable experience with patients while exploring specialties with a Geisinger Pharmacy Residency at our Northeast Clinic.

About us

The Geisinger Clinic Northeast Pharmacy Residency offers a customized pharmacy residency training to successfully prepare clinical pharmacists to care for patients in an ambulatory care setting and beyond. As a resident, you will innovate, lead and improve the quality of care for patients at Geisinger. You will be immersed in a collaborative interprofessional culture where clinical pharmacists practice in acute care, ambulatory care, specialty pharmacy and research. Your curriculum is customized to facilitate the achievement of your personal and professional goals.

Our goal is to provide you with an exceptional training experience that fosters the development of your professional expertise and competence as a clinical pharmacist in primary care. Geisinger pharmacists are committed to delivering the highest quality of patient care and pharmacy education.

Ultimately, our program builds on your Doctor of Pharmacy education to help you develop into a clinical pharmacist:

  • Become responsible for the medication-related care of patients with a range of conditions
  • Gain eligibility for board certification
  • Become eligible for postgraduate year two (PGY2) pharmacy residency training

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Diversity, equity and inclusion

Geisinger is committed to cultivating a culture of diversity and inclusion. We recognize that our team is our most valuable asset and seek to promote an environment that is welcoming of persons of all races, ethnicities, religious beliefs, genders and sexual orientations. At Geisinger, we celebrate life experiences, personal differences, knowledge, innovation and talent. In Geisinger's Department of Graduate Medical Education, the director of diversity, equity and inclusion applies diversity principles in all settings and advances the institution’s efforts to create a welcoming and safe environment for all residents and fellows.

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