DETECT Research Study
Detecting Cancers Earlier Through Elective Mutation-Based Blood Collection and Testing (DETECT) is a research study that is trying to understand how well a blood test works for finding cancer. DETECT uses a research marker panel blood test to look for tumor DNA by checking for 15 genes and looking for abnormally high levels of 10 protein markers. The study enrolled 10,0006 participants in 15 locations:
- Geisinger Bloomsburg Hospital, Professional Building
- Geisinger Medical Center (Danville, PA)
- Geisinger Precision Health Clinic (Forty-Fort, PA)
- Geisinger Grays Woods (Port Matilda, PA)
- Geisinger Mount Pocono
- Geisinger Lewistown
- Geisinger Tunkhannock
- Miller Center (Lewisburg, PA)
- Geisinger Hazleton
- Tiadaghton Health Center (Lock Haven, PA)
- Geisinger South Williamsport
- Geisinger Pottsville
- Geisinger South Wilkes Barre
- Geisinger Shamokin Hospital
- Scranton, PA
Learn more
- Outcomes in participants with a false positive multi-cancer early detection (MCED) test (Journal of Clinical Oncology)
- Long-term clinical outcomes of cancers diagnosed following detection by a blood-based multi-cancer early detection (MCED) test (Journal of Clinical Oncology)
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