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College of
Health Sciences

Strategic collaborations

Geisinger partners with industry, academic and community organizations to help advance research and innovation within our health care system.

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Bucknell Geisinger Research Initiative (BGRI)

When Bucknell University and Geisinger were each established in central Pennsylvania, the region was transformed into one that could benefit from and support the institutions' collective intellectual, healthcare, and community development initiatives. As two institutional leaders in the region, a formal partnership was put in place to help with the advancement of healthcare delivery, education, and research which has truly transformative potential at the local, regional, and national levels.

The combination of Bucknell's nationally recognized educational programs and faculty with Geisinger's field-leading healthcare delivery programs and investigators is a unique opportunity for the institutions to pursue a joint collaborative mission of improving patient care and advancing related research. The Bucknell Geisinger Research Initiative (BGRI) was created to advance that mission by providing resources in support of collaborative research projects and initiatives across a spectrum of disciplines and organizational interests.

Objectives of BGRI program – To provide advocacy, coordination, and funding support for research and educational collaborations between Bucknell University and Geisinger faculty and investigators.

Geisinger-Regeneron Partnership

Geisinger partners with Regeneron, a leading biopharmaceutical company, for a long-term, large research study, called MyCode®.

Genetic research holds great promise to increase understanding of the causes of diseases, disorders, and medical conditions - including conditions that today have limited or no treatments available. By comparing genetic information against medical histories, Geisinger and Regeneron hope to eventually develop new means of diagnosing, preventing and/or treating medical conditions - before they cause significant harm. Some participants may also receive information that could be useful in their own medical care.

This study is aligned with Geisinger's focus on innovative research to help patients in our communities - as well as improve healthcare for patients across the nation and worldwide.


River Group

The Susquehanna River Heartland Coalition for Environmental Studies (SRHCES), or River Group, promotes research and environmental education, improves water quality and addresses other environmental concerns related to the Susquehanna River Watershed. Formed in 2004, the River Group includes Bloomsburg University, Bucknell University, Geisinger, Kings College, Lock Haven University, Lycoming College, and Susquehanna University, as well as representatives from government agencies and community organizations such as Susquehanna Economic Development Association Council of Governments, Northcentral Pennsylvania Conservancy, The Forum for Pennsylvania's Heartland, Chesapeake Bay Foundation, and Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection. Among other projects, Geisinger is working with the River Group to address the issue and growing problem of unused’ overused and misused medications on health, the environment and society.

Mid-Atlantic Nutrition Obesity Research Center (NORC)

The Mid-Atlantic Nutrition Obesity Research Center (NORC) is a center funded by the National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases (NIDDK) in 2005. NORC's mission is to foster multidisciplinary research approaches to understanding the impact of nutrition on risk for chronic disease and translating this knowledge into effective clinical treatments and prevention efforts. The Mid-Atlantic NORC is a collaborative effort between University of Maryland at Baltimore, University of Maryland at College Park, Johns Hopkins School of Medicine, USDA Beltsville Human Nutrition Research Center and Geisinger.

Lehigh-Geisinger Joint Investment Fund

Lehigh University and Geisinger have established a Joint Investment Fund and collaboration to support joint research projects between faculty and investigators a both institutions. Funds from this annual award will be used to seed innovative research projects that build on the partnership between the two institutions and lead to sustainable projects that will garner external funding and future joint collaborations.

Rural Health Policy Institute

The Rural Health Policy Institute assists legislators and policymakers in understanding health policy as it relates to rural residents. The Institute brings together diverse, multidisciplinary groups of professionals to conduct research focused on finding workable solutions to rural health policy issues.

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