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Eric Wright
System Director, Center for Pharmacy Innovation and Outcomes, Enterprise Pharmacy
Professor of Pharmacy, Geisinger Research, Geisinger Commonwealth School of Medicine

Center for Pharmacy Innovation and Outcomes
Geisinger Precision Health Center, 190 Welles St.
Forty Fort, PA 18704 
Phone: 570-714-6633
Fax: (570) 714-6611

Eric A Wright, Pharm.D., MPH

Research Interests

Dr. Wright is professor and system director of Geisinger's Center for Pharmacy Innovation and Outcomes. From a background in Ambulatory Pharmacy and Academia, Dr. Wright draws from his experience and knowledge to implement and evaluate innovative approaches within the constructs of the modern-day integrated health system, leveraging technology to assist with recognizing and addressing medication gaps in care. Dr. Wright’s research has been published in many leading general medicine and pharmacy journals including Science, the American Journal of Health-System Pharmacy, the Journal of the American Pharmacist Association, Journal of Medical Internet Research and JAMA Health Forum among others. He is the principal investigator on several funded research investigations from governmental and non-governmental agencies and foundations along with industry. His research spans multiple conditions including diabetes, cardiovascular disease and substance use disorder. Dr. Wright leads a team of investigators, staff scientists and staff within the CPIO who also conduct investigator-initiated research. The team also supports all scholarly and research activities in pharmacy, including support for Geisinger’s over twenty pharmacy residents per year.

Recent Publications

  • Graham J, Novosat T, Sun H, Piper BJ, Boscarino JA, Kern MS, Hayduk VA, Wright EA, Beck C, Robinson RL, Casey E, Hall J, Dorling P. Associations of Healthcare Utilization and Costs with Increasing Pain and Treatment Intensity Levels in Osteoarthritis Patients: An 18-Year Retrospective Study. Rheumatol Ther (2022). 2022 May 10. Full Text
  • Gionfriddo MR, Hu Y, Maddineni B, Kern M, Hayduk V, Kaledas WR, Elder N, Border J, Frusciante K, Kobylinski M, Wright EA. Evaluation of a Web-Based Medication Reconciliation Application Within a Primary Care Setting: Cluster-Randomized Controlled Trial. JMIR Form Res. 2022 Mar 8;6(3):e33488. Full Text
  • Gionfriddo MR, Duboski V, Middernacht A, Kern MS, Graham J, Wright EA. A mixed methods evaluation of medication reconciliation in the primary care setting. PLoS One. 2021 Dec 2;16(12):e0260882. Full Text
  • Lussier M, Learn LS, Aftewicz H, Webster L, Gazes S, Kern MS, Gionfriddo MR, Graham J, Longyhore DS, Wright EA. Implementation and evaluation of a centralized pharmacy telehealth center within an integrated health delivery system. J Am Coll Clin Pharm. 2021, July 27. Full Text
  • Kauffman YS, Wright EA, Patterson BJ, Coley KC. Informing collaborative relationships between community pharmacists and health care professionals in primary care practices. J Am Pharm Assoc (2003). 2021 Jun;S1544-3191(21)00284-3. Full Text
  • Blanchard CM, Duboski V, Graham J, Webster L, Kern MS, Wright EA, Gionfriddo MR. A mixed methods evaluation of the implementation of pharmacy services within a team-based at-home care program. Res Social Adm Pharm. 2021 Nov;17(11):1978-1988. Full Text
  • Badowski ME, Wright EA, Bainbridge J, Michienzi SM, Nichols SD, Turner KM, Wicke C, Awad J, Thompkins A, Martin RD. Implementation and evaluation of comprehensive medication management in telehealth practices. J Am Coll Clin Pharm. 2020 Mar;3(2):520-31. Full Text
  • Lussier ME, Evans HJ, Wright EA, Gionfriddo MR. The impact of community pharmacist involvement on transitions of care: A systematic review and meta-analysis. J Am Pharm Assoc (2003). 2020 Jan-Feb;60(1):153-162.e5. Full Text
  • Lussier ME, Graham JH, Tusing LD, Maddineni B, Wright EA. Analysis of community pharmacist recommendations from a transitions of care study. JACCP. 2019 Aug;2(4):349-356. Full Text
  • Wright EA, Graham JH, Maeng D, Tusing L, Zaleski L, Martin R, Seipp R, Citsay B, McDonald B, Bolesta K, Chaundy K, Medico CJ, Gunderman S, Leri F, Guza K, Price R, Gregor C, Parry DT. Reductions in 30-day readmission, mortality and costs with inpatient to community pharmacist follow-up. J Am Pharm Assoc (2003). 2019 Mar-Apr;59(2):178-186. Full Text


Doctor of Pharmacy, University of Pittsburgh, School of Pharmacy, 1998
Pharmacy Practice Residency, VA Pittsburgh Healthcare System, 1999
Masters of Public Health, Johns Hopkins University, 2015

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