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Kari Phang

Clinical Assistant Professor, Geisinger Center for Pharmacy Innovation and Outcomes

57 North Main Street
Phone: 570-602-5605

Kari Phang, MD

Research Interests

Pediatric quality and safety research
Pediatric medication safety

Recent Publications

  • Phang KG, Roberts JR, Ebeling M, Garner SS, Basco WT Jr. Opioids or Steroids for Pneumonia or Sinusitis. Pediatrics. 2020 Aug;146(2):e20193690. Full Text


Dr. Phang attended medical school in her home state of West Virginia, she earned her medical degree from West Virginia University School of Medicine.

She completed her residency in pediatrics at Nationwide Children’s Hospital, Columbus, Ohio and her fellowship in academic pediatrics and pediatric hospital medicine at The Medical University of South Carolina in Charleston, South Carolina.

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