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Erin VanEnkevort

Assistant Professor
Department of Population Health Sciences

Henry Hood Center for Health Research Building
100 North Academy Avenue
Danville, PA 17822
Phone: 570-214-1913

Erin VanEnkevort

Research Interests

Dr. VanEnkevort’s research focus is on examining how psychosocial factors influence health behaviors and outcomes. Specifically, she is interested in how individual characteristics, communication, and close relationships influence health habits, adherence to treatment, and physical and psychological well-being. Dr. VanEnkevort is interested in examining these relationships in both patients and their loved ones by utilizing prospective survey research, electronic health records, and claims data.

Recent Publications

  • Schmidlen, T., Jones, C.L., Campbell-Salome, G., McCormick, C.Z., Vanenkevort, E., & Sturm, A.C. (2022). Use of a chatbot to increase uptake of cascade genetic testing. Journal of Genetic Counseling. doi: 10.1002/jgc4.1592.
  • Davis, M. P., Van Enkevort, E. A., Elder, A., Young, A., Correa Ordonez, I. D., Wojtowicz, M. J., ... & Mehta, Z. (2022). The Influence of Palliative Care in Hospital Length of Stay and the Timing of Consultation. American Journal of Hospice and Palliative Medicine®, doi:10.1177/10499091211073328.
  • Blankenship, J. C., Vanenkevort, E., Patel, M. J., Yost, G. W., Scott, T. D., Maestas, C. M., & Agarwal, S. (2021). Outcomes of Patients Undergoing Cardiac Catheterization After a Three-Day Holiday Weekend Versus a Two-Day Weekend. The Journal of Invasive Cardiology.
  • Ellison, H. B., Young, K. A., Van Enkevort, E. A., Davis, M. P., & Falcone, J. L. (2021). Broad Needs Assessment of Pain Education in Graduate Medical Education. Journal of Pain and Symptom Management.
  • North, C. S., Van Enkevort, E., Hong, B. A., & Surís, A. M. (2020). Association of PTSD symptom groups with functional impairment and distress in trauma-exposed disaster survivors. Psychological medicine, 50(9), 1556-1562.


MS Texas Christian University 2014
PhD Texas Christian University 2011-2016
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