Our clinical informatics faculty are drawn from across the system and represent a wide range of roles. That means you get a wide range of perspectives.
Core faculty
- Ben Hohmuth, MD, MPH, Chief Medical Informatics Officer (internal medicine)
- David Vawdrey, PhD, Chief Data Informatics Officer
- Marc Williams, MD, Director of Genomics Medicine Institute (medical genetics)
- Mary Connell, MSN, RN, AVP Chief Nursing Informatics Officer
- Heather Finn, Program Director for Provider Informatics
- Spencer Tavares, DO (internal medicine)
- Scott Morgan Jeffries, MD (neurology), Associate Medical Director for AI
- Yasser El-Manzalawi, PhD, Assistant Professor, Department of Population Health Sciences and Biomedical Data Science
- Adam Brown, Senior Director of Enterprise Information Management
- Ali Chittalia, MD (family medicine), Director of DEI for GME
- Amanda Staskiel, RN
- Amanda Taylor, MD, Medical Director, Geisinger Health Plan (psychiatry)
- Andi Shapiro, MHA, Vice President for Informatics Strategy
- Cheryl Kramer, RN
- Clemens Schirmer, MD, PhD (neurosurgery)
- Cynthia Hockenbroch, RN
- Dan Davis, PhD, Director of System Bioethics
- Dean Parry, RPH (pharmacy)
- Emily Fry, VP of Innovation Operations
- Emily Szmal, DO (pediatrics)
- Evan Norfolk, MD, Chair of the Department of Nephrology (nephrology)
- Greg Strevig, Vice President for Enterprise Analytics
- Igor Georgievskiy, MD (hospital medicine)
- Ilirjan Decka, Vice President of Data Management
- Jana Kass, RN
- Janet Washo, RN
- Jeffrey Prichard, DO, Division Chief, Anatomic Pathology Operations, Informatics, and Quality (pathology)
- Joe Leader, Associate Vice President for Research Informatics
- John Mcilwaine, DO (critical care medicine)
- Jonathan Slotkin, MD, Associate Chief Medical Informatics Officer - Innovations (neurosurgery)
- Karen Young, RN
- Karina Phang, MD, MPH (pediatrics)
- Kim Krupski, RN
- Kirk Hanson, Director, Enterprise Data Governance
- Lester Kirchner, PhD, Chair of the Department of Epidemiology & Health Services Research
- Lisa Fathel, RN
- Mallory Sponenberg, RN
- Mariya Monfette, RPH (pharmacy)
- Mark Lentz, MD (internal medicine)
- Mark Poler, MD (anesthesiology)
- Megan Bloom, CRNP
- Michael Suk, MD, JD, MPH, Chair of the Musculoskeletal Institute & Department of Orthopaedic Surgery (orthopaedic surgery)
- Nidhi Karingula, MD, MPH (pediatric psychiatry)¬
- Pamela Kepner, RN
- Romeo Laroya, MD (radiology)
- Samir Akach, MD, Medical Director of Documentation, Medical Coding and Quality Coordination (internal medicine)
- Shamsher Dalal, MD, Director of Neurointervention (neurointerventional radiology)
- Susan Jansen, RN, Program Director for Nursing Informatics
- William Cauthorn, Associate Vice President for Advanced Analytics
- William Triffo, MD (radiology)
- Yvette Helmbold, RN
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