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College of
Health Sciences

Research Appointment and Promotion Subcommittee (RAPS)

Research is an integral element of Geisinger's mission. Our vision statement begins: “To be the health system of choice, advancing care through education and research…”

Research at Geisinger permeates all aspects of patient care, from bench to bedside, and from disease prevention and treatment to health care delivery. To sustain the highest caliber of research, a systematic process for evaluating the merits of our research faculty is needed. The RAPS is charged with reviewing research faculty candidates for promotion.

Committee members

Scott LeMaire, MD, FACS, FAHA, Committee chair

Scott LeMaire, MD, FACS, FAHA

Committee chair

Alex Chang, MD, MS, Committee member

Alex Chang, MD, MS

Committee member

Chris Chabris

Chris Chabris, PhD

Committee member

Sam Gidding

Samuel Gidding, MD

Committee member

Annemarie Hirsch

Annemarie G. Hirsch, PhD, MPH

Committee member

Michelle N. Meyer, PhD, JD, HEC-C, Committee member

Michelle N. Meyer, PhD, JD, HEC-C

Committee member

photo not available 1

Ana Morales, MS, CGC

Committee member 

Scott Myers, MD, FAAP, Committee member

Scott Myers, MD, FAAP

Committee member

Brian Piper

Brian Piper, PhD, MS

Committee member

Brian Schwartz

Brian Schwartz, MD, MS

Committee member

Christopher D. Still, DO, FACN, FACP, FTOS

Committee member

Cora Taylor, PhD, Committee member

Cora Taylor, PhD

Committee member

Vanessa Troiani

Vanessa Troiani, PhD

Committee member

Eric Wright, PharmD, MPH, Committee member

Eric Wright, PharmD, MPH

Committee member

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