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Scholarships & grants

Researching and applying for scholarships can be time-consuming, but it can reduce the amount you’ll have to borrow.

Scholarships at Geisinger College

The Scholarship Committee at Geisinger College of Health Sciences maintains stewardship for endowed scholarships. 

Geisinger College of Health Sciences scholarships are based solely on verified financial need as documented through the FAFSA form. Financial need is determined by subtracting your contribution from the annual cost of attendance. The amount of these awards is determined by a variety of factors including approved funding levels and the number of qualified applicants.


Geisinger School of Nursing participates in the Federal Pell Grant and Pennsylvania State Grant Program. You are automatically considered for these grants based on information submitted on your Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA).

Federal Pell Grant

A Pell Grant is awarded yearly and will depend on your student aid index (SAI), cost of the college and enrollment status (full or part time).

PA State Grant

Pennsylvania residents may receive a yearly award based on financial need through the Pennsylvania State Grant Program. You must complete the FAFSA by May 1 of the upcoming aid year. 

Service commitment programs

Service commitment programs cover tuition costs in return for a commitment to work.

External scholarships

We encourage students to search for private scholarships and scholarship resources.

A variety of external scholarships are available. Some scholarships are easily obtained, while others are more competitive. If you receive any type of aid or benefit from an outside source, notify the Office of Financial Aid. The total amount of financial aid you may receive from all sources can’t exceed your cost of attendance. In addition to the external scholarship sources listed, you may consider:

  • Searching FastWeb
  • Asking a parent’s employer about scholarship or low interest loan programs for children of employees
  • Contacting county or regional medical societies for potential scholarship assistance for medical students
  • Contacting religious and fraternal organizations, as well as service clubs such as the local Rotary or Lions Club
  • Talking with a family doctor to help you find funding
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Military scholarship and fellowship information

  •  U.S. Navy
  •  U.S. Air Force
  •  U.S. Army
  •  U.S. Veterans Benefits

Scholarship search tips

Find more scholarship resources by searching for “medical school scholarships” or by contacting the Office of Financial Aid. Be on the lookout for scholarship scams. Find advice and reliability information at FinAid.

Search tip: Keep a journal of scholarships for which you are eligible. If a scholarship requires the applicant to be a second- or third-year medical student or the deadline has passed, write down all information about the scholarship including who is offering it, how to contact them, application process, deadline and requirements. Refer to the journal each year for future opportunities.

Scholarship Committee

The Scholarship Committee at Geisinger College of Health Sciences uses information relative to the awarding of each scholarship provided by the institutional advancement division and selects students to be offered monetary assistance through approved funds.

We’re committed to collecting as much information as possible to provide funding resources for our students. We welcome your input about organizations or associations that offer scholarships.

The committee meets at least monthly includes:

  • Tanja Adonizio, MD, Vice Provost for Student Affairs
  • Michelle Schmude, EdD, Vice Provost for Enrollment Management & Associate Professor
  • Sue McNamara, BS, Director of Financial Aid
  • Kristen Greene, MS, Director of Admissions, MD Program
  • Julia Kolcharno, MA, Assistant Dean of Student Affairs
  • Roxanne Seymour, MBA, Associate Director of Financial A
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