Phase 2: Core Clinical Immersion
The Phase 2 curriculum provides comparable, high-quality clinical experiences through inpatient and ambulatory block rotations.
You’ll begin the year by participating in the Transition to Clerkships course (TTC). This foundational experience gives you the opportunity to hone clinical skills and receive additional training necessary to enter the clinical learning environment full time.
Your clerkships are delivered in five 9-week block rotations inclusive of our seven core disciplines.
Each clerkship includes a Bridge Week, in which you complete any remaining assignments, sit for your medical knowledge exam and have orientation for the next clerkship experience. Bridge weeks also allow you to explore subspecialty areas of interest, conduct research, follow up on continuity patients and/or meet with mentors and advisors.
A final two-week experience, Transition to Phase 3, lets you reflect on your experiences during the clerkship year to ensure competency of core clinical skills and to prepare you for transition into the more advanced clinical experiences in Phase 3.
At a glance: Phase 2 – Core Clinical Immersion
Clinical blocks | Curriculum overview* |
Transition to Clerkships | Hones clinical skills and provides necessary clerkship overviews and trainings in preparation to enter the clinical space. Regional orientation sessions also included. |
Ambulatory | Outpatient experience within Family Medicine, Geriatrics, Pediatrics and Musculoskeletal Medicine. |
Medicine | Inpatient and outpatient experience with exposure to general medicine and subspecialty medicine fields. |
Women’s and Children’s | Inpatient pediatrics, newborn nursery and pediatric subspecialty areas combined with OB-GYN curricular experiences in labor and delivery, gynecologic surgery and outpatient clinic. |
Neuroscience |
Combined experience with inpatient and outpatient Neurology and Psychiatry services. Neuroscience subspeciality opportunities include Neurosurgery, ENT, Child Neurology, Addiction Medicine, Pain Medicine, Neuropsychiatry, and Child and Adolescent Psychiatry. |
Surgery | Core General Surgery rotations with intentional exposure to subspecialty surgical fields. |
Transition to Phase 3 | Transitional curriculum that reflects on the students clerkship year experiences and provides enhanced skill development to prepare for the advanced clinical requirements in the Phase 3 year. |
*Length of curriculum blocks is based on Medical Curriculum Committee review each year.